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This registration securing fee holds your position in the next immediate available intake of the Grad Cert or GradDip (Dent Imp) program. Intakes generally commence in September and January of every year. The Implant Institute reserves the right to hold or cancel each intake 28 days before commencement. Each cohort's enrolments close when the maximum seats are filled.


Course Registration Fee, Full Enrolment Fee Payments & Conditions

  1. $1500 AUD registration fee secures a spot in the program (pending eligibility). This fee is non-refundable after 21 days before course commencement. 
  2. Following registration fee, to be enrolled into the full program, the postgraduate learner must arrange for payment of the course fees prior to course commencement, by either: 1/ Using online links/direct invoices from The Implant Institute for remainder course enrolment fees (remainder fee $17,300 AUD plus GST in up to 2 x 8-weekly instalments for GradCert, or $25,950 plus GST in up to 3 x 8-weekly instalments for GradDip); or 2/ Setting up a 8 or 12 month Payment Plan registration on the website (link:
  3. Course Withdrawals: Withdrawal from the GradCert or GradDip program, after course commencement, and before before 12 weeks from course commencement, incurs 50% of the total course fee. Withdrawal after 12 weeks incurs 100% of the total course fee.
  4. Study deferral: After course commencement, postponement of studies to a future cohort (for part of the curriculum) can take place if a student faces extenuating circumstances. This is assessed and if meeting requirements, arranged after application to the Academy. The Academy has detailed regulations and contingencies for situations relating to change of circumstances for enrolled students.


Requirements for Enrolment

You must be a licensed dentist in Australia or New Zealand with at least 12 months experience in dental practice or dental hospital. You must have proof of your Hepatitis B status. Dentists from other countries contact us first to discuss potential program enrolments before making a deposit.

Registration Securing Fee for Grad Cert or Grad Dip (Dent Imp)

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